Seeking Guest Speakers
ClinicianFest is seeking guest speakers for our Wellness Wednesday series
Wellness Wednesday takes place monthly on the first and third Wednesday.
Fostering the Fulfillment of Wellness
Introducing Wellness Wednesday – Diverse topics from clinicians and allies in mental health practice hosting various conversations to bridge the gap on mental health awareness with an underlying commitment of mental health promotion as a critical part of overall wellness. From prevention, early intervention, collaborative care, access, advocacy, allyship, and treatment to recovery – we are looking to host needed and necessary conversations on wellness.
ClinicianFest is a 501(3)(c) organization. Proceeds from ClinicianFest are used to fund the co-pays of those in need of mental health services but unable to afford such services in their entirety. We partner with over 216 vendors, agencies, private practitioners, and community support programs to support aid in communities with scarce mental healthcare access and resources. To date, we have assisted over 1100 clients in getting the care and aid they need on their journey.